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Class of 2024 Valedictorian Address
The Class of 2024 graduated May 18, 2024 at Fellowship Bible Church. Valedictorian William Brady addressed the crowd of family and friends. His address captures the essence of an Augustine education.
William Brady, Class of 2024
When I first came to Augustine School back in 9th grade, I knew that the Lord was calling me here for a reason. I didn’t know what that reason was, but the Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians that “He who calls you is faithful; He will surely do it” (5:24), and so I knew the Lord would accomplish His goals. And now here we are, 4 years later, at the end of the road, and in retrospect I don’t dare to claim I know all the intricate reasons for which the Lord called me here, but He has kindly revealed some of them to me. In every circumstance I have faced at Augustine, without exception, the kindness of God has been a reverberating theme. During my high school years, I have experienced the deepest joys of my life but also the deepest sorrows I have ever faced. In all of it, the Lord has been constant in kindness.
The kindness of God is just one example of a lesson learned during sanctification. The Bible tells us in Philippians that “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (1:6). When we are saved, we do not miraculously become perfect, sinless beings. Until the Lord returns, day by day by day, the Lord is working out our sanctification and fashioning us to be more and more like the perfect God- Man: Jesus Christ. In my time at Augustine, I have come to see that it is a great forge and grindstone with which God fashions and sharpens His people, not just through the God-centered education, but also through the community and mentorship. In Augustine’s classes throughout the years, God has taught me the deep things of His nature and character, He has used Augustine’s community in my life to keep me on the straight and narrow way and to fight with me side by side in faith, and He has given me many fathers and mothers in the teachers of Augustine to mentor and guide me through living the Good Life to which we are called.
It’s only fitting that I take a moment to thank the teachers for their impact in my life. You are all key parts of God’s Tool with which He shapes His people. The Lord has used you in countless, eternally important ways. Dr. Stacey, thank you for leading Augustine down the path that God has laid out for us and for teaching me the intricacies of the government and the economy, showing me how perfectly our systems sit in God’s Divine Hand. Mr. Wilding, thank you for showing me the absolute perfection of God’s world that He spoke into existence in a moment. Mr. Parks, thank you for teaching me what it means to fight the good fight and to be constant in Godly repentance. Mr. Clemmons, thank you for introducing me to drama and pushing me to glorify God through hard work and diligence. Mrs. Mullin, thank you for teaching me to see and appreciate God’s beauty more and more in creation and literature. Mr. Winter, thank you for leading us to consider the lofty things of God and teaching me to value conversing about them. Mrs. Marsch, thank you for pushing me to defend my faith and to do so beautifully. Mrs. Roberts, thank you for always leading me to the extent of my artistic capability and showing me what it means to be sub-creators in God’s world. Mrs. Essary, thank you for teaching me the value of glorifying God through song. Mrs. Donna, Mrs. Freeman, and the rest of the Augustine staff, thank you for your constant work you do for this school, and while it doesn’t always go noticed, it’s vital and glorifying to God.
Mr. Vailes, thank you for teaching me to love history and culture and to see it for what it is: a good part of God’s creation. Mr. Lang, thank you for making me feel welcome at Augustine years ago and for pointing out God’s nature as displayed in the world. Mr. Errico, although I did not have you for class, thank you for being a Godly role model for me in my time of leadership at Augustine. I couldn’t have asked for a better house master. And to Mr. Winfree, thank you for your years of care which you have poured into this school and into me. The Lord has used your care and wisdom to grow me as a student, a man, and a Christian. You have changed my life and time and time again have set me on the course of the Good Life.
And so, class of 2024, our time at Augustine has come to an end. We are about to move on to the next stage of life, but we won’t be starting fresh, for we are taking with us from Augustine that which God has fashioned in us. Each one of us is absolutely ready for what comes next, because God has been preparing us through sanctification for this moment for years. And so, I charge you: remember, the almighty Lord our God is kind, so turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. Remember what the Lord has done for you at Augustine and live in light of His love. As we embark into uncertain times, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). Turn to God in all circumstances and He will hold you fast. And know that “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6). He has begun this work of sanctification in each one of us, and we can trust with absolute conviction and certainty that He will kindly bring us through to the end. Class of 2024, I love you dearly, and so do your families, and so does Augustine school, but God loves you more, and only God can uphold and sustain you, so “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones” (Proverbs 3:5-8). Thank you.
“We are about to move on to the next stage of life, but we won’t be starting fresh, for we are taking with us from Augustine that which God has fashioned in us. Each one of us is absolutely ready for what comes next, because God has been preparing us through sanctification for this moment for years.”
Friends, family, faculty and staff, fellow schoolmates, class of 2024, today is a bittersweet day. Today is the day we graduate from Augustine School–the day we move on and end a key chapter in our lives. It’s bitter because of what we leave behind: today, the very life we’ve known for 18 years changes forever. But it’s what we take with us that makes it so sweet. We take with us that which God has fashioned in us.
Sword & Banner - Fall 2024 Issue
Dr. Robert Stacey: CCE Basics
Dr. Aaron O’Kelley: Accreditation
Susan Foubert: Natural Playground Dedication
Nicoll Burleson: Running with Gratitude
The Classical Classroom: Why We Do What We Do
Abbey Orwig: That Golden Era
< Fall 2024 Issue