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Abbey Orwig is a 2020 Augustine alumna and a 2024 Union University graduate with her Bachelor’s in English with honors. She is currently pursuing her master’s in Classical Christian Studies through New Saint Andrew’s College and is excited to return to her classical roots and take her learning journey even further. Abbey grew her love for literature in her old Augustine days, revelling in the epics of the ancient Greeks and the fascinating worlds in the plays of Shakespeare. Some of her proudest accomplishments are completing her honors thesis on Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale and having an excerpt of her thesis published in the International English Honors Society (Sigma Tau Delta) academic journal The Review for its Centennial issue.
That Golden Era
Abbey Orwig, Class of 2020
Most people would say that they hated their middle school and high school experience, that it was a place they despised, and that it was time spent among people who weren’t much better. When I hear their complaints underlined with pain, disgust, and indifference, I shrink and remain quiet since I cannot say that I had experienced the same thing. I don’t feel the same loathing about my school experience because, for me, that was when my soul felt brightest. That my life was at its best, among a group of people who I spent 7 years of my life with. Those 7 years each hold a special place in my heart, as I turn over pops of memories, feelings, and nostalgia, to realize I was truly blessed.
Now that I have finished my last year in college, it is hard to believe that I spent my final days at Augustine nearly over four years ago. That chapter of my life feels like a lifetime ago, and I’ve had to learn how to grieve for the things lost to time, watching my memories begin to slip and fade away, no matter how determined I am to hold on to them. All those moments shared with my classmates will remain with me and all I can say is that I am so very thankful to have had them in my life. That golden era has long since ended and the only way that I can try to express all my innermost thoughts is through a simple letter.
“Those seven years each hold a special place in my heart, as I turn over pops of memories, feelings, and nostalgia, to realize I was truly blessed. ”
Dear Classmates,
I know that we have scattered to the ends of the earth. I may not know what is going on in your lives at this point. I know that we are no longer together, even though I had vainly wished that we still could. Though we are now shuttled off and dropped in worlds of our own, I would like to send a message out into the far empyrean, even if it doesn’t reach your sphere. A “thank you” on wings.
I only remember the good moments because they mean more to me than you know.
Every day was a day of communion with you. It was too good to be true. I thought I didn’t deserve to be placed among companions such as you. For the first time in my life, I felt accepted, respected, and that I belonged. I counted myself blessed to be able to get up each morning, knowing that you would be there. It was more of a fellowship if anything else. Relationships that were built upon shared experience, laughter, and respect. Through
all the paper writing, Latin learning, literature reading, recitation events, morning assemblies, class debates, capture-the-flag games, idle discussions both serious and not, we did it together. When the autumn days come, I am reminded of our homeroom walks through the woods, our chorus of feet rustling and crackling over the fallen leaves, and I smile.
But now we have grown up and gone on to chase our callings and drifted separate ways. Yet, we are still bound by a bond; tied by strings of the past shared, strings that are differently colored and some wearing thin, but that are not yet broken.
Our compasses spin. I shield my eyes to watch your distant shapes trek over the far-off hills of your futures. I wave goodbye. To the north, thank you for your life-giving laughter. To the south, thank you for your kindness and sincerity. To the east, thank you for your conversations, big and small. And to the west, thank you for your Christian fellowship, so generously given. As the sun sets and we travel through the night, allow me to offer up this prayer for you as I have learned to accept our paths diverged:
May the Lord bless your days and keep you under His protective wings. May you look up and search for His guiding light and remember His steadfast love. May the Lord grant you wisdom in all that you do, and may He grant you a heart filled with peace. Amen.
With a grateful heart,
Sword & Banner - Fall 2024 Issue
Dr. Robert Stacey: CCE Basics
Dr. Aaron O’Kelley: Accreditation
Susan Foubert: Natural Playground Dedication
Nicoll Burleson: Running with Gratitude
The Classical Classroom: Why We Do What We Do
William Brady: Class of 2024
< Fall 2024 Issue