The House System
Augustine School's house system is designed to promote healthy relationships across middle and high school grades while providing leadership opportunities to older students and trustworthy advisors to the younger students they mentor. Beyond providing a rich community of peers, the house system also creates a structure for student life each year.
Beginning the end of their fifth grade year, students are placed into one of four houses that they remain in until graduation. Each of the four house names are inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings: Gondor, Rivendell, Rohan, and Shire. Throughout the year students of all houses take part in athletic, academic, artistic, and performance competitions. They enjoy feasts, participate in service projects, and gather for fellowship inside and outside the school day. Each school year ends with a house cup awarded to the house that has accumulated the most points over the course of the year. These shared experiences allow students to grow closer together, develop leadership skills, and give back to the school and local community.

“The house system contributes so much to the experience of Augustine students - fun, mentorship, leadership skills - but it also goes much deeper.”
— John Winfree, Upper School Faculty