The Annual Fund
The Augustine School Annual Fund supplements our annual budget and covers expenses tuition doesn’t. In reality, tuition covers 89% of the cost required to educate our students and the Annual Fund helps to bridge that 11% gap. A gift of any size to the Annual Fund is critical in funding multiple areas of instructional and operating expenses. The Annual Fund provides support to areas of greatest need each school year. We are grateful for the countless ways our donors are creating a lasting impact for years to come!
Give today and build a legacy.
Partner With Us
If you are interested in contributing a designated gift, including Augustine School in estate planning, or establishing an endowment fund, please contact Susan Foubert, Director of Development, at sfoubert@augustineschool.com or (731) 660-6822. We would love to start a conversation and further discuss how you can partner with us to support our long-term vision for Augustine School.