Why Classical Education?
Classical education is a time-tested educational approach that has educated some of the greatest thinkers and innovators of the world, from Leonardo da Vinci to Isaac Newton, from Dante and Shakespeare to Rousseau and Thoreau. It emphasizes fostering a love of learning and is committed to shaping students who are able to think, write, and communicate well.
Classical education employs a three-stage learning process, known collectively as the Trivium, giving students essential tools of learning while working with the grain of their intellectual development. In Latin, the word trivium means “the place where three roads meet.” Therefore, the classical education Trivium consists of learning and practicing three arts—or skills—referred to as grammar, logic, and rhetoric. From our youngest Knights to our graduating seniors, this approach encourages our students to progress from knowledge to understanding and, ultimately, to wisdom. We’ve witnessed first hand how this unparalleled educational approach equips our students for the future whatever they may do and wherever they may go.
Distinctively Christian
At Augustine School we believe a distinctively Christian education means helping students learn to view all things in light of Jesus Christ as we seek to integrate all subjects together in forming a comprehensive biblical world-view. Classical Christian education emphasizes the cultivation of virtue and wisdom by nourishing the soul on truth, goodness, and beauty according to God’s Revelation using the classical liberal arts. In short, education is primarily about what we are trained to love, not just what we are taught to know. Beyond simply passing a test or submitting an assignment, we affirm that education has the power to form wise and virtuous young men and women who are learning to submit all things to the universal lordship of Christ. Our incredible faculty and staff act as guides and mentors, seeking not only to create a rigorous learning environment but to nurture a foundation of faith. It is our hope that graduates leave Augustine School with a deep, abiding love for God and neighbor that shapes their work in the world.