As educators, we know that students thrive when they’re given a network of care. Teachers, staff, parents, and more all contribute to the growth of our students and it is our goal to provide every resource possible to help our students flourish. Below are just a few ways this takes place at Augustine School.
Supporting Students for Future Success
Learning Specialists
Lower School students receive additional academic support beyond their daily classroom instruction from our Lower School Learning Specialist, Malinda Musselman. In collaboration with classroom teachers, she is able to work with students individually or in small groups with personalized instruction at their own level. This may be reinforcing a concept, facilitating additional practice, or encouraging growth with further challenge. Beyond your child's teacher, she is also a resource for parents with any questions regarding their student's academic growth throughout their Lower School years.
Lower School
Abigail Errico, Upper School Learning Specialist
Malinda Musselman, Lower School Learning Specialist
Our Upper School Learning Specialist, Abigail Errico, offers support and accommodation for students in grades 6-12 with diagnosed disabilities and significant learning differences. She comes alongside teachers and parents to determine and implement an educational accommodation plan that is best suited for each student's particular needs. We aim to offer as much support as possible so that students may be free of potential learning roadblocks and are able to demonstrate full understanding and ability. Throughout the year, she is able to offer individualized instruction to students as needed and implement necessary testing accommodations. She furthermore works to educate Upper School faculty on learning disabilities and differences to expand our students network of care.
Upper School
“It is a dear pleasure to hold a student’s trust when we’re working through a subject that is difficult or confusing, and then help them to the next step in their learning.”
- Malinda Musselman, Lower School Learning Specialist
Academic Advising
Our College Advisor, Carla Freeman, works throughout the year to prepare Upper School students as they explore, discern and pursue future college and career opportunities. She also coordinates standardized testing for students in grades 6-12, including the CLT, CLT10, and CLT8 tests which are taken on campus as SAT/ACT/PSAT alternatives for classical institutions. She assists parents in preparing students for college visits, gathering application materials, and ensuring necessary deadlines are met.
College Advising
Allison Marsh, Senior Thesis Advisor
Carla Freeman, College Advisor
The capstone of an Augustine School education is writing and defending a senior thesis. This process operates as a directed study, where the research, writing, revision, and presentation of the senior thesis is broken into smaller assignments throughout the year before culminating in a final draft and oral defense. Our Senior Thesis Coordinator, Allison Marsh, guide students through the process, provides feedback, and meets with students for class workshops or one-on-one sessions as needed.
Senior Thesis Advising