Natural Play Initiative
Outdoor learning and play is intrinsic to an Augustine School education. Spring Soiree 2024 will target funding for the Natural Play Initiative, this year’s primary capital campaign focus. The Natural Play Initiative seeks to create two new playgrounds: the (1) Early Childhood Natural Playground and Outdoor Classroom and the (2) Lower School Natural Playground. Learn more about this initiative below.
Our goal is to raise $25,000 in the 2023-2024 school year for Phase I of the Natural Play Initiative. The Natural Play Initiative will be a significant fundraising focus for this year’s Spring Soiree on May 11, 2024.
It already has! Thanks to our amazing parents and volunteers, we are already seeing initial projects being tackled. The majority of construction will take place Summer of 2024.
At Augustine School, we believe the whole experience of a child’s education can reflect His glory, especially their play. We appeal to the entire child: mind, body, and soul. As our current playground deteriorates from years of use we have the opportunity to consider what is next for our students’ play spaces. We think natural playscapes inspire and further the education and growth of our students.
Thank you for your interest in supporting Augustine School! To give specifically to the Natural Play Initiative, donate here and designate your giving as Playground funds. Donations of $500 and above will be recognized by name on a commemorative plaque. If you have additional questions, please contact Director of Development, Susan Foubert.
Thank you for your interest! You can fill out a volunteer form here.
“Outdoor play is an integral part of our school day. We have an opportunity to rethink our playground spaces as our current playground nears the end of its safe usefulness. Incorporating the surrounding landscape and implementing play structures made from natural materials and creative design would inspire and enrich our students' play. This kind of play fuels creativity as students engage in multi-sensory experiences every time they venture outside.”
— Lindsey Carson, Pre-K Teacher + Natural Play Initiative Project Coordinator
Early Childhood Natural Playground and Outdoor Classroom
Location: Grassy area outside of the Pre-Kindergarten and Art classrooms
What’s Coming: Sensory container gardens, climbing boulders, outdoor child’s stage with bench seating, children’s picnic tables, sensory path, dig pit, and more!
Lower School Natural Playground
Location: Beginning at the tree line near the Lower School science gardens, extending downhill and slightly upward through the wooded area before the soccer fields
What’s Coming: Web climbing net, dig pit, new swing seats, slackline obstacle course, climbing boulders, notched climbing logs, wildflower meadow, and more!

“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.”
— Fred Rogers