Pre-Kindergarten at Augustine
The Pre-Kindergarten years are ripe for exploring! Your child's boundless energy lends itself to imaginative play, investigative curiosity, and joyful discovery. Augustine School's Pre-K program seeks to provide a warm and nurturing environment that fosters our youngest students' innate sense of wonder. Our teachers use this as a catalyst for a broad range of educational activities in areas of language, literature, art, music, math, and science each week. The Pre-K years are integral for planting seeds of a distinct love of learning and ultimately of God - the giver of all that is good, true, and beautiful.
Families may choose from Three-day (M, T, W) or Five-day (M-F) enrollment options. Students are dismissed at 12:30 p.m. or 2:30 p.m. (with no additional charge) depending on the family’s preference. Your child must be 4 years of age by August 15th of the year enrolling.
During their Pre-K year at Augustine, students become letter recognition experts and develop a strong number sense. They interact with great stories and begin to understand the Bible as one big story of love and salvation. They enjoy weekly art and music lessons, memorize Scripture and poetry, and have daily recess. Students learn through socialization and play, stopping all along the way to inspect, interact, and explore. You can see a fuller picture of the Pre-K curriculum here.
Our school day begins with morning drop-off (7:30-7:55 a.m.) and ends with school dismissal at 2:40 p.m. For Pre-K, there is an optional early dismissal at 12:30 p.m. for families who wish to pick up their child earlier in the day. If your family is interested in after-school care (2:40-5:30 p.m.), you can learn more about our Afternoons at Augustine program here.

“We want to point all of our students to Jesus. Why do we learn about letters? Because God made the world with powerful words made up of letters. Why did God make us? To glorify Him, so we strive to show students His glory. I love that academics at Augustine go hand in hand with shaping hearts. Teaching and shepherding, are one in the same. Pointing ourselves and our students to Jesus is a vital and expected thread woven throughout our moments at school. I love working with these precious children and their families.”
— Lindsey Carson, Pre-K Teacher
Visit Us!
If you would like to learn more about our Pre-K program, we encourage to you join us for a visit! We would love to give you a glimpse of all our program has to offer and answer any questions you may have.