Resources for Current Families

For the latest information including parent and student resources, calendars, and more, log in to the Augustine School FACTS Family Portal.

Download the Augustine School app!

Stay informed with quick, easy access to calendars, academic resources, athletics schedules, and more! Follow links below for Apple or Android users:

Join Band!

Join Band for real time class updates, communication with fellow parents, and important schoolwide reminders. E-mail us to receive an invite link to join.

Stay Connected!

-Follow @augustineschool on Instagram

-Like Augustine School on Facebook

-Join Augustine School Families on Facebook to see updates from the Augustine School community and share your own!

-Join Augustine School Uniform Resale Page to buy and sell gently used uniform items

Tolle Lege

Summer Reading, Grades 1-5

During the school year, Augustine students read every day. Our hope is for students to genuinely enjoy reading and develop lifelong reading habits. For this to happen, students must grow in the skill of reading, a skill that develops over many years and needs to be honed by constant practice. With that in mind, we encourage students to invest time during the summer reading good books. Reading lists are provided for students moving into 1st-5th Grades. Each list contains books chosen to help students maintain and develop their reading skills while continuing to fill their imaginations with great stories over the summer months.

Tolle Lege! (Take up and read!)

School Supplies

Lower School Supply Lists:

Upper School Supply Lists:


Augustine School approved uniform items may be purchased online from Lands’ End and locally from Uniform Source and Sassy Grace/Southern Gent. Spirit Wear items may be purchased online from our Spirit Store or from our mobile Spirit Wear case located in the Admin Suite at school. Each June we hold a Uniform Sale where families can consign and purchase gently used uniforms. Throughout the year, families are able to purchase and sell gently used uniform items through the Augustine School Uniform Resale Page on Facebook. If you have any questions regarding uniform guidelines, please contact our Administrative Assistant, Amy Owens, at aowens@augustineschool.com.

Go Knights!!

Show your school spirit by cheering on our Knights! Check the Athletics Calendar to stay in-the-know on upcoming games.